Every Child Deserves a Super Start

Did you know that, according to research conducted in 2015, around half of all mental health issues start by age 14? That’s why early intervention is so important. And it’s why our main focus is on helping kids develop the practical skills they need to tackle their daily challenges…

And most importantly, these skills are not “quick-fixes”. Rather, they are “life skills” that remain relevant and beneficial through adolescence and adulthood.

Here are 9 ways we can help:


Excessive anxiety or worry 

Excessive anxiety causes a lot of pain for kids and parents alike and can lead to a wide range of issues…

From worrying thoughts to sleep problems…

Avoiding school, sports or other activities…

Difficulty concentrating and learning…

And sometimes even physical symptoms like fatigue, lightheadedness, upset stomachs or vomiting…

And what’s more, if the underlying issues are not addressed, things can worsen over time…

Leading to sadness, withdrawal and less enjoyment of life in general…

(Which is why research evidence strongly supports EARLY intervention or prevention to get the best long term outcomes.)

But for MOST kids with mild-to-moderate levels of excessive anxiety?

There’s a LOT that can be done to help…

(WITHOUT “labelling” kids with a disorder)

It all comes down to using evidence-based approaches and teaching the right skills…

Skills such as:

  • Coping strategies
  • Thinking and problem-solving
  • Emotional regulation
  • Relaxation and mindfulness
  • Planning, organisation and time management
  • Motivation and goal setting

In other words, LIFE SKILLS…

Research shows that children with these skills perform better, feel more in control and are less stressed.

Do you think your son or daughter might benefit from our help with this?

If so, just click below and follow the prompts:


Sadness, grief or depression

For children who are showing symptoms of depression…

Evidence-based counselling approaches that focus on developing effective thinking skills can help kids to manage their thoughts, behaviours and emotions in more productive and healthy ways.

Once again, early intervention has proven to be extremely effective in the treatment of depression.

Counselling can also help kids work through the many emotional challenges they may face at school or home…

Such as struggles with bullying, self-esteem, family conflict or academic pressures.

Or to help cope with loss and grief…

“We help kids going through all sorts of emotional challenges”, explains Jessica Levetan of Melbourne Child Psychology & School Psychology Services in Port Melbourne.

“General life stress and pressures, family stress, problems with eating, sleeping, body image, boyfriends, girlfriends and other relationship problems.”


Learning difficulties

Does your child struggle with reading, spelling or writing?

Do they mix up letters or jumble their sentences?

Or perhaps they have trouble with numbers, symbols and maths?

Kids can struggle with learning for so many different reasons.

For example, there can be underlying issues with processing skills…

Or there may be emotional challenges affecting learning.

Or sometimes it’s a bit of both.

Either way, it is important to accurately identify the underlying problems and put in place effective intervention programs and strategies as early as possible in their education.


Study skills, motivation and organisation

Unfortunately, teachers can’t always address the specific learning needs of each child.

Large classes and strict curriculums result in many kids being left behind, struggling to keep up.

But one-on-one coaching sessions with a psychologist can be carefully tailored to the needs of each student, helping them to identify relevant goals and develop effective strategies to achieve them.

Educational or VCE coaching teaches students vital learning skills for success at school and in life.

And research shows that students with these skills perform better, feel more in control and are less stressed.


School readiness

Deciding when to start school is a big concern for many parents of preschoolers.

Some parents want their children to start as early as possible…

While others prefer to keep them home for longer…

School readiness isn’t dependent on just one single thing, though.

While some children may excel intellectually from a very young age…

They may lack the emotional and social maturity that will allow them to thrive in the school environment.

A school-readiness assessment not only helps parents make informed decisions about when their child should start school…

It also helps to reveal their child’s learning potential and the best ways to support their learning.


Family problems, separation or divorce 

Parental separation is difficult for everyone…

And it can be especially hard for parents — who are dealing with their own challenges — to effectively help their children cope with all the changes.

The impartial support of a psychologist can help kids navigate their way through the process…

And also reduces pressure on parents.

And parent coaching helps mums and dads to learn the best coping mechanisms for themselves, and for their children.


VCE stress management and study skills 

Final exams and the VCE are a high-pressure and stressful time for students, and often for their parents, too!

An educational psychologist can not only help VCE students to achieve their best, by helping to develop and implement good study skills, time management and organisation…

But they can also help kids (and parents!) to deal with the stress and anxiety that comes with the pressures of VCE.


Difficult or angry behaviour 

Kids displaying problematic behaviour are not ‘bad kids’.

In more cases than not, there is an underlying issue that is causing them to act out…

Whether it be in the form of aggression, defiance, anti-social behaviour or otherwise.

Busy parents, especially those with more than one child, may not be able to clearly see why their kids are acting out.

But we work with both the child and the parents to identify the source — and find the best solutions – for difficult behaviour.


Social skills

For some kids, the social pressures of school are much more challenging than the academic pressures.

And in the age of social media, issues like bullying and ‘feeling left out’ can be more difficult than ever.

Counselling helps kids develop the coping skills they need to navigate the playground and beyond…

And to maintain positive and healthy relationships at school and at home.


  • Name Posted October 6, 2022 8:56 am
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