Carer Assessments
Deadly Descendants can support local government and non-government organisations with independent general Foster Care, Kinship, Guardianship and Restoration assessments. Anastasia is a registered Step-by-Step Assessor (SBS11608) and is also available to facilitate Shared Lives group carer training or kinship one-on-one training.
Please Note
Assessments and Reviews will include a minimum of one and maximum of two face-to-face visits (4-8 face-to-face hours in total) with any additional conversations to be conducted via phone and/or zoom (including conversations with adult children and support network). All Shared Lives training to be delivered in person if possible. If a contracted assessment is ceased at any time (by agency, carer applicant or assessor) a pro rata payment for work already completed will be payable. Deadly Descendants will notify the referring agency in writing as soon as is practical if orange or red lights arise during an assessment and will temporarily cease work until a course of action is determined and agreed upon by the referring agency, assessor, (and carer applicant) if applicable.
To put through an assessment referral please complete the carer assessment referral form.