Individual Session
In an individual session, the focus is on creating a safe space for a child or teen to explore worries, fears, unresolved emotions, difficult experiences and grief and loss. Utilising a child-centred, strength-based approach a child or teen may engage with art, toys, craft, movement, gardening, books or through a known ‘keen interest’. Throughout a session techniques such as narrative therapy, CBT, DBT, Evidence-Based EFT and other existential therapies may be utilised. The aim is for children and teens to work through what they are struggling with feeling safe, seen, heard, valued and considered.
Deadly Descendants also offers group sessions for LEGO®-based therapy to support children develop social skills. An assessment is required before a child can begin group sessions with other children. The assessment determines whether Lego-based therapy would be suitable for a child/teen, where they are at developmentally and it allows the therapist to identify which Lego-based group would be suitable based on their interests, temperament and likelihood of connecting with the peers of the program.
If you wish your child to participate in the group LEGO®-based, please book a LEGO Therapy Initial Consult below.
Book an Appointment