At Deadly Descendants we are passionate about prevention and psychoeducation, that’s why we are launching our “Deadly Schools” initiative. We know that every school is a unique community with its own strengths and areas to grow in. We know leadership teams work really hard to build a wellbeing culture into their schools – we also know that with the curriculum in its current state and administration workload on teachers these days it can be really tough to sustain a culture of wellbeing.
If teachers are stressed, kids and teens are going to be feeling that stress in the classroom. Kids and teens need the grownups in their school community to be available for co-regulation. So how can we help?
Deadly Descendants can support schools with:
- Professional Development for staff on wellbeing at work, behaviour management, creating trauma sensitive classrooms, strategies for individual or a cohort of students
- Parent Information Sessions: We call them ‘Workshops for Grownups’ on anxiety, depression, neurodivergent kids,
confidence and self-esteem, building resilience, helping with homework, conscious parenting, flood trauma, Getting co-operative kids in the morning (we can also design a session around a specific need in your school) - Assessment, recommendations and supported implementation on growing a
sustainable wellbeing culture in your staff room and school which can include individual or group staff coaching/counselling
Wellbeing lessons can be collaboratively delivered by Deadly Descendants with the classroom teacher on: friendships, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, boundaries, protective behaviors, consent or develop a lesson based on a specific need identified by the classroom teacher or leadership (We know the curriculum is full-on – so we design our wellbeing lessons to match up with your PDHPE syllabus)
Lego Club – We LOVE Lego! Deadly Descendants can come in and deliver individual or group Lego-based therapy sessions for students with ASD, ADHD, Anxiety or social communication issues! We can also support schools to start and maintain their very own Lego club!
What are the benefits of investing in a lego club at your school? Kids and teens who are supported to engage in the structured play and roles of Lego Club show an increase in confidence, self-esteem, ability to manage their frustrations and develop a sense of belonging. Improved self-esteem and ability to manage frustrations puts kids and teens in a position to achieve their fullest potential in their classroom learning.
Are you a Principal or in leadership at your school and would like to know more? Click this link to fill in a quick referral and Deadly Descendants will give you a complementary 20 minute discovery call.