In the mid 1990’s paediatric neuropsychologist Daniel LeGoff was inspired to start using LEGO® to support the development of communication skills for children with ASD. This was the beginning of LEGO®-based therapy. This therapy is a social development program that uses activities based on LEGO® to support and develop a wide range of social skills in a group setting.

While LeGoff developed LEGO®-based therapy for children with ASD, this therapy has been found to benefit children or teens that need additional support to develop skills around communication and engaging with peers.

It focuses on three roles within the group: Builder, Engineer and Supplier. Children work within these roles to complete a LEGO®-based project together. The focus is on problem solving, team work, communication, taking turns and following instructions.

Deadly Descendants also offers parent workshops on LEGO®-based therapy to support parents in continuing social skills development at home.